An Exclusive Interview with Prof. Dr. Zakiyudin Bhaidawy, M.Ag Chancellor of IAIN Salatiga 2019-2023 with Prof. Dr. M. Noor Harisudin, M.Fil.I on the IJIMS Journal at the Aston Jember Hotel, on June 26, 2019. The IJIMS Journal (Indonesian Journal of Islam and Muslim Societies) is a journal in the Graduate Program of IAIN Salatiga. IJIMS has been indexed by Scopus Q1, Crossref, Copernicus Index, Islamicus Index, and many more. In addition, IJIMS has received national accreditation (A) from the Ministry of Research, Technology, and Higher Education. The following is our interview with Basuki Kurniawan from the Media Center of the Syari'ah Faculty with the Chancellor of IAIN Salatiga Prof. Dr. Zakiyudin Bhaidawy, M.Ag with the Dean of the Faculty of Sharia IAIN Jember Prof. Dr. M. Noor Harisudin, M. Fil. I.
How do you start the IJIMS Journal?