IJIMS School of Journal:
The best Journal of Religious Studies, Q1 in Scimago Journal Ranking (SJR)
IJIMS is a member of Crossref.org since 2015, so each article has its unique DOI number. IJIMS has been indexed in SCOPUS since August 2017, ACI, Index Islamicus and more. IJIMS has been granted National Accredition (A) from Indonesian Directorate General of Higher Education. IJIMS is a member of Crossref.org since 2015, so each article has its unique DOI number. IJIMS has been indexed in SCOPUS since August 2017, ACI, Index Islamicus and more. IJIMS has been granted National Accredition (A) from Indonesian Directorate General of Higher Education.
Pelatihan yang ditawarkan dari IJIMS-School of Journal melalui tim Tutorial dalam manajemen pengelolaan jurnal untuk beginner, advanced maupun tutor dalam academic writing.
Pelatihan yang ditujukan untuk membekali para (calon) pengelola jurnal berbasis Online Journal System (OJS) sebagai pemula dalam mengelola penerbitan jurnal secara online melalui OJS.
Pelatihan pengelolaan jurnal lanjutan bagi para pengelola jurnal yang sedang menyiapkan untuk pengajuan akreditasi nasional maupun indekasasi internasional (Scopus dan Web of Science).
Pelatihan dan pendampingan dalam penulisan artikel jurnal untuk publikasi Internasional. Menentukan jurnal yang tepat, memilih judul yang baik menyusun IMRAD penggunaan reference manager.
IJIMS School of Journal team is comprised of experts who are passionate about their work, have excellence in their field, and have an extensive background in a wide variety of applications. Our team delivers a full-range of skill-sets to meet your needs up , including basic and advanced understanding of OJS 2 and OJS 3, Effective ways of indexing and upgrading a journal quality towards national accreditation and internationalization along with tips and guidance of writing for internatonal publication.
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