The Focus Group Discussion of Psikohumaniora Journal Goes to Scopus and Web of Science.

Located at the Laras Asri Hotel Salatiga, Saturday - Sunday (17-18/10/2020), the Psikohumaniora Journal editorial journal team held an FGD with the theme of technical preparation for a reputable international journal.

The event was attended by Dr. Baidi Bukhori, M.Si (Editor in Chief), Prof. Dr. Syamsul Ma'arif, M.Ag. (Dean of Fakultas Psikologi dan Kesehatan UIN Walisongo, Faizal Risdianto, M.Hum. (Editor in Chief of Register Journal of IAIN Salatiga), Drs. Arif Subiyanto, M.A. (UM), and Helmi Suyanto (Rumah Jurnal of UIN Walisongo).

Prof. Syamsul, Dean of Fakultas Psikologi dan Kesehatan, appreciates the initiation of journal "Khalwatiyah" programs like this. FGDs like this respond to the inner spirit of the UIN Walisongo Campus to improve rankings in all fields, including reputable journals such as the Scopus index and Web of Science. The enthusiasm of the jihadists of this Sinta 2 indexed journal needs to be carried out as intensively as possible and bound in the synergy of the togetherness and collaboration and movement to maximize the success.

Baidi Bukhari, Editor in Chief of Psikohumaniora  Journal, is optimistic and happy with supporting this program, especially getting assistance from Litapdimas Diktis 2020, a cluster for improving the quality of the project reputable international journals. Pray that Psikohumaniora Journal will genuinely and immediately become a reputable journal," he said.

One of the FGD's agendas is conducting "Bedah Jurnal"  or journal scrutinization. The results of the journal surgery concluded that the journal was eligible and ready to register on the Web of Science. About the evaluation to be indexed in Scopus, some things still need to be prepared.

On that occasion, submissions were made to WoS Indexation, and improvements to journal web content according to Scopus indexed journal standards. By cooperating with journal experts, especially Faizal Risdianto from IAIN Salatiga and Arif Subiyanto from UM. 


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