Jumat, 26 Mei 2023

Invest Journal of Sharia & Economic Law


Invest Journal of Sharia & Economic Law

List journal bidang ekonomi Islam yang terindeks scopus

Journal of Economic Cooperation and Development (ISSN 1308-7800), previously titled the Journal of Economic Cooperation among Islamic Countries (ISSN 0252 - 953X), is a journal of applied research in development economics. The Journal welcomes original papers dealing with important economic and social issues of immediate concern to the developing countries. It will give special attention to those papers which deal with the potentials for and possibilities of promoting and expanding economic and technical cooperation among the developing countries. The Journal appears in English, in March, June, September and December. The Journal is indexed/abstracted in SCOPUS, JEL/Econlit, i-Journals, i-Focus and i-Future.

2. Journal of King Abdulaziz University, Islamic Economics Saudi Arabia Q4

The aims and scope of the journal include: -To develop the emerging paradigm of Islamic economics on scientific lines through publishing original works in this field that pass its peer review process. -To promote dialogue and discussion on current issues in the fields of Islamic economics and finance among the international community of scholars. -To encourage empirical research on Islamic finance, takaful, zakah, awqaf and other Islamic institutions including case studies from Muslim economies. -Contemporary global economic issues viewed from an Islamic perspective. To publish book reviews of important works published in the field, including books in conventional economics, business and finance having some connection with Islamic economics and/or finance.

3. Journal of Islamic Monetary Economics and Finance Indonesia Bank Indonesia Institute Q3

JIMF is an international peer-reviewed and scientific journal which is published quarterly by Bank Indonesia Institute. JIMF is a type of scientific journal (e-journal) in Islamic economics, monetary, and finance. By involving a large research community in an innovative public peer-review process, JIMF aims to provide fast access to high-quality papers and a continual platform for sharing studies of academicians, researchers, and practitioners; disseminate knowledge and research in various fields of Islamic economics, Monetary and Finance; encourage and foster research in the area of Islamic Economics, Monetary, and Finance; and bridge the gap between theory and practice in the area Islamic Economics, Monetary, and Finance.

The Journal of Islamic Economics, Banking and Finance is a journal for applied research in development and Islamic economics, aimed at enhancing cooperation among the Islamic institutions, Islamic financial institutions, .researchers, people and students who are interested in Islamic economics and finance The Journal gives special attention to those papers which deal with the potentials for and possibilities of promoting and expanding economic and technical cooperation among various conventional and Islamic financial .institutions of the world The articles in this Journal may be freely quoted or reprinted provided that the source is mentioned and a copy .of the publication containing the quotation or reprint is sent to Islami Bank Training and Research Academy

The journal focuses on economics and management issues. The main subjects for economics cover national macroeconomic issues, international economic issues, interactions of national and regional economies, microeconomics and macroeconomics policies. The journal also considers thought-leading substantive research in the finance discipline. The main subjects for management include management decisions, Small Medium Enterprises (SME) practices, corporate social policies, digital marketing strategies and strategic management. The journal emphasises empirical studies with practical applications; examinations of theoretical and methodological developments. The journal is committed to publishing the high quality articles from economics and management perspectives. It is a triannual journal published in April, August and December and all articles submitted are in English. IJEM follows a double-blind peer-review process, whereby authors do not know reviewers and vice versa. Peer review is fundamental to the scientific publication process and the dissemination of sound science.

The primary purpose of the journal is to promote publications of original research related to the Malaysian economy. It is also designed to serve as an outlet for studies on the South-east Asian countries and the Asian region. The journal also considers high-quality works related to other regions that provide relevant policy lessons to Malaysia. The journal is receptive to papers in all areas of economics. We encourage specifically contributions on all range of economic topics of an applied or policy nature. At the same time, submissions of methodological or theoretical studies with results that are of practical use are welcome. Works that are interdisciplinary will be considered provided that they contain substantial economic contents.

The main purpose of the journal is to promote publications of research papers in the discipline of consumer and family economics in Malaysia. However, high-quality academic paper from the South-east Asian countries and the Asian region will be considered. The journal accepts contributions from all discipline such as economics, finance, business, management, laws and any other disciplines that promote the wellbeing of consumers and families.

Among of its aims is to be a platform for academicians to contribute and share their research works and writings regarding Islamic history and civilization. Furthermore, it aims to foster excellent research particularly in this area. It is a peer review and open access journal. It publishes articles and research papers pertaining history, civilization, thought, system and development from Islamic perspective in Malay, English and Arabic.

Senin, 22 Mei 2023




1. Top level domain pada laman web jurnal tsb menggunakan public domain seperti: .org atau .com. Laman web jurnal yang asli biasanya menggunakan domain resmi negara: Turkey (.tr); Indonesia (.id); Rusia (ru), dst.

2. Platform online yang digunakan menggunakan resources yang gratis seperti “OJS: dan tidak dikelola dengan baik. Namun demikian ada jurnal bagus yang menggunakan “OJS” dan dikelola dengan baik. 

3. Ada transformasi penerbit dari institusional (Universitas) menjadi pribadi. Bahkan tidak dinyatakan penerbitnya apa/siapa, hanya dinyatakan diterbitkan dalam xyxy. Silahkan menilai sesuai PO PAK 2019, bahwa jurnal harus memiliki penerbit yang sah.

4. Jurnal yang dicloning atau dipalsukan biasanya: (a) jurnal lama yang tidak terurus; (b) jurnal yang belum memiliki laman web online (hanya repository); (c) Jurnal-jurnal dari negara/Universitas kecil. Sangat sedikit pelaku pembuat cloning jurnal yang memalsukan jurnal-jurnal milik Universitas setara Cambridge University.

5. Artikel-artikel yang diterbitkan tidak dilakukan review dengan baik, apalagi review substansi. Silahkan diminta bukti review dan korespondensi. 

6. Lay journal ala kadarnya, hanya berbasis template MS Word, itupun antar artikel tidak konsisten. 

7. Jumlah terbitan (jumlah artikel), jumlah nomor terbitan, dan jumlah volume terbitan sering tidak konsisten, cenderung jumlahnya naik drastic.

Sabtu, 20 Mei 2023

Kewaspadaan terhadap jurnal kloning mengatas namakan Jurnal Komunikasi Profesional

 Kewaspadaan terhadap jurnal kloning mengatas namakan Jurnal Komunikasi Profesional


Para Pembaca yth. baru - baru ini redaksi Jurnal Komunikasi Profesional mendapati kloningan tidak bertanggung jawab yang mengatasnamakan Jurnal Komunikasi Profesional. Website tersebut adalah palsu dan dijalankan oleh pihak - pihak tidak bertanggung jawab yang mencederai publikasi akademik dan marwah etika akademik. 

Para author diharapkan lebih waspada lagi dalam melakukan publikasi dan hanya mensubmit artikelnya melalui OJS pada laman resmi JKP yakni: https://ejournal.unitomo.ac.id/index.php/jkp yang dikelola secara resmi oleh FIKOM Universitas dr Soetomo. 

Penipu dan pelaku kloning jurnal ini menggunakan kontak dengan nomor +6281323423601, dimohon para author, reader, maupun khalayak luas dapat menyebarluaskan nomor pelaku ini agar tidak ada lagi korban dari aksi amoral dan pelecehan pada integritas akademik ini.

Segala komunikasi resmi JKP hanya melalui email resmi: studikomunikasi@unitomo.ac.id.

Senin, 01 Mei 2023

6 Tips minimal dalam menyiapkan lahirnya jurnal baru



6 Tips minimal dalam menyiapkan lahirnya jurnal baru 

1. Penentuan fokus and scope jurnal 
2. Call for national & international authors 
3 call for editor and reviewers 
4. Kesiapan team IT dan ojs 
5. Siapa petugas harian, the journal manager/ managing editor 
6. team editor untuk screening naskah/konten. 

email: register@uinsalatiga.ac.id 

Faizal. (2023, April 30). 6 Tips minimal dalam menyiapkan lahirnya jurnal baru. Zenodo. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.7882058

Faizal Risdianto Mail
[Scopus ID:57213518975]; English lecturer department, IAIN Salatiga, Indonesia




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