Sabtu, 06 April 2024

lp2m uin salatiga


Proceeding of International Interdiciplinary Conference And Research Expo (IICARE) is published by LP2M  Universitas Islam Negeri Salatiga, Jl. Lingkar Salatiga Km. 02, Pulutan, Sidorejo, Salatiga, Central Java, Indonesia. 

Proceeding of International Interdisciplinary Conference And Research Expo (IICARE)


Proceeding of International Interdisciplinary Conference And Research Expo (IICARE) on Ethical Implications of Globalization in Educational Policies and National Curricula E-ISSN:  3047-163X  (online), organized by The Institute of Cross-Cultural Studies & Academic Exchange in collaboration with Universitas Islam Negeri (UIN) Salatiga, Indonesia, Salatiga, Central Java, Indonesia 5-7 January 2024.

The Contribution of Psychological Well-Being to Academic Hardiness: A Study on “Mahasantri”
Abi Fa'izzarahman Prabawa
1-11 PDF
Classroom Students Collaborative Abilities XII SMA Negeri 5 Surakarta in Learning Biotechnology PJBL Integrated STEM Teaching Year 2023/2024
Balgis Siva Qurratu'ain, Eriza Putri Ayu Ning Tias, M Galih Wicaksono, Tutut Widiyaningsih, Sandrina Meilyani, M. Reisa Andika, Endang Setyaningsih
12-22 PDF
Development of E-Modules Containing Ethno-STREAM Integrated Local Wisdom in Science Learning to Increase Environmental Literacy
Muh. Hasan Faizin, erna risfaula kusumawati
23-31 PDF
Critical Thinking Skills in STEM Integrated PJBL Learning with Biotechnology Material Class XII IPA SMAN 5 Surakarta TA 2023/2024
Tutut Widiyaningsih, Eriza Putri Ayu Ning Tias, M. Galih Wicaksono, Balgis Siva Qurratu'ain, Sandrina Meilyani, M. Reisa Andika, Endang Setyaningsih
32-42 PDF
The Investigation of Students’ Writing Skill Improvement in GBA Implementation Using Procedure Text
advalina August Anggraeni Arifin, Win Listyaningrum Arifin, Setia Rini
43-58 PDF
Cultural Identity in Building the Character of Islamic Moderation in Higher Education Institutions in Central Java
Imam Kanafi, Imam Mujahid, Irfan A N, Syamsul Bakhri
59-72 PDF
The Efforts to Improve Student's Critical Thinking Skills Using a Contextual Approach in Learning Science in Class V MI Darussalam Lembu Students
Anisa Wahyu Utami, Erna Risfaula Kusumawati
73-87 PDF
Systematic Literature Review (SLR): Implementation of The Project-Based Learning (PJBL) Approach to Improve Students' Speaking Skills
Dwi Hastuti, Noor Malihah
88-107 PDF
The Impact of Stakeholders Pressure on Sustainability Report Disclosure
Rofiut Kholifatun Kasanah, Rita Wijayanti
108-122 PDF
Internalization of Religious Values through Dhuha Prayer in Early Childhood
Oktio Frenki Biantoro, Muhammad Istiqlal
123-135 PDF
Antecedents of Employee Creativity and Its Influence on Job Performance
Muhammad Nurrokhim
Viral Songs Affect Children's Listening Skills
Syamsul Muhajir

Kamis, 04 April 2024


Contoh revisi pengajuan E-ISSN untuk Conference Proceeding

 Yth. Pengelola Terbitan

1) Mohon menambahkan kata Proceeding of sebelum anama conferensi karena yang di beri ISSN adalah terbitannya bukan konferensinya.

2) Karena ini pengajuan E-ISSN Prosiding, sebagai persyaratan yang dibutuhkan mohon dapat mengupload ulang kelengkapan berkas permohonan dengan hasil tangkapan layar/screenshot dari Halaman depan, halaman dewan redaksi dan halaman daftar isi dari situs yang di kelola.

Berkas dewan redaksi terdiri Daftar redaksi/editor + daftar reviewer + daftar keynote speaker+daftar panitia/steering committe

Mohon menambahkan Daftar redaksi/editor + daftar reviewerr +daftar panitia/steering committe

Setelah di perbaiki, mohon untuk menekan tombol submit/kirim/ajukan kembali, sehingga kami dapat menverifikasi ajuan..

Terima kasih.

Selasa, 02 April 2024


 Since March 2023,  this journal has charged the following author fees.

 Article Publishing Charges (APCs):  800.000,- (IDR) (for Indonesian authors) & $ 80 (for Foreign authors).

The fee for publication of an original paper in this journal is 800.000,- (IDR) (for Indonesian authors) & $ 80 (for Foreign authors). If the paper is accepted for publication, you will be asked to fill out and send Originality & Ethical tatement along with your digital signature, and you will be asked to pay the fee.

Minggu, 31 Maret 2024


 1. Penerimaan Usulan Akreditasi mulai tanggal 1 s.d. 31 Maret 2024

Periode Penilaian mulai April s.d. Juni 2024

2. Penerimaan Usulan Akreditasi mulai tanggal 1 Juli s.d. 31 Juli 2024

Periode Penilaian mulai Agustus s.d. Oktober 2024

3. Penerimaan Usulan Akreditasi mulai tanggal 1 s.d. 30 September 2024

Periode Penilaian mulai Oktober s.d. November 2024

Pengumuman_Penerimaan_Akreditasi_Jurnal_Tahun_2024.pdf (