Jumat, 09 Desember 2022

Contoh E-Mail berisi Rejection atau Penolakan Naskah

 [registerjournal] Editor's Decision

Dear author(s),

We appreciate your interest in submitting the manuscript entitled "Classroom-Based Assessment Practices during the COVID-19 Outbreak in Indonesia: EFL Students’ Perceptions and Challenges" to our REGISTER JOURNAL. However, upon an initial review of the manuscript, we apologize that your manuscript is not very eligible due to one of the following aspects:

1.  The absence of novelty in the submission

2.  The gap, as well as the findings, are too plain;

3. Covid-based research endeavors are already rampant everywhere, and this manuscript was based on the students' perceptions and challenges, which are more on psychological aspects than on language use. Time to quit the hegemony of the phenomena, I suppose, and to change the paradigm. No synthesis is performed, nor is potential one ahead to come; thus, far from being a world academic platform of discussion.

You May consult the description of this journal under About, as well as its current contents, to learn more about the work we publish. Consider submitting this manuscript to another, more suitable journal.

Looking forward to another submission from you soon, we thank you again.


Editor in Chief
Faizal Risdianto,S.S,M.Hum
Register Journal (uinsalatiga.ac.id)

Kamis, 08 Desember 2022

Best Practice tata kelola jurnal menuju akreditasi Nasional

 Faizal Risdianto. (2022, December 8). Best Practice tata kelola jurnal menuju akreditasi Nasional. Zenodo. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.7414507

Dengan membaca “Keputusan Dirjen DIKTI Kementerian Pendidikan, Kebudayaan, Riset, dan Teknologi Nomor 106/E/KPT/2021 tentang Pedoman Akreditasi Jurnal Ilmiah dengan jelas dapat kita bandingkan dengan model penilaian akreditasi sebelumnya kita bisa melihat naiknya penilaian pada bagian-bagian tertentu terutama untuk tujuan internasionalisasi Jurnal.


Mengenai Keterlibatan Aktif Reviewer/Mitra Bebestari. Idealnya sebuah jurnal  melibatkan mitra bebestari berkualifikasi internasional >50% dari berbagai institusi. Kemarin Skornya top –markotop 5.0 sekarang menjadi  score 6.0 dengan kalimat “Melibatkan mitra bestari berkualifikasi internasional >50% (dari total mitra bestari) dan berasal dari 4 negara atau lebih. Kemudian dari score 3.0 diberikan kepada jurnal yang melibatkan mitra bebestari berkualifikasi nasional >50% dari berbagai institusi naik score dari 3.0 jadi 4.o dengan kalimat “Melibatkan mitra bestari berkualifikasi nasional >50% (dari total mitra bestari) dan berasal dari 2 hingga 3 negara”. 

Kualifikasi Dewan Editor Jurnal Ilmiah. Idealnya lebih dari 50% penyunting di sebuah jurnal sudah pernah menulis artikel di jurnal ilmiah internasional (Skor 3.0) naik menjadi score 5.0 dengan kalimat “Lebih dari 50% (dari total Dewan Penyunting) penyunting berkualifikasi internasional dan berasal dari 4 negara atau lebih (Skor 5.0)”

 Faizal Risdianto. (2022, December 8). Best Practice tata kelola jurnal menuju akreditasi Nasional. Zenodo. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.7414507

 Link URL for registering your awesome journal to EBSCO


 EBSCO is a database containing the full text of over 6,000 scholarly and trade journals, magazines, and newsletters, ranging from Forbes and Investor's Business Daily to The Appraisal Journal and Journal of Real Estate Research.

 What is EBSCOhost?

The EBSCOhost interface provides access to a range of databases, e-journals and e- books. The databases are particularly useful for identifying journal articles and other publications on a particular topic within the subject areas covered by each database. You can also search across more than one database at a time.


 Link URL for registering your awesome journal to EBSCO: https://www.ebsco.com/publishers-partnerships/full-text-licensed-databases-contact-form


Rabu, 07 Desember 2022

Predatory publishing in Scopus: Evidence on cross-country differences


Table 2 shows figures for the top and bottom 20 countries. Kazakhstan and Indonesia appear to be the most badly affected, with roughly every sixth article falling into the suspected predatory category. They are followed by Iraq, Albania, and Malaysia, with more than every tenth article appearing in this category. Some of the most severely affected countries are also among the largest in terms of population: India, Indonesia, Nigeria, the Philippines, and Egypt, which underlines the gravity of the problem. However, small countries that might have been difficult to spot on a world map, such as Albania, Oman, Jordan, Palestine, and Tajikistan are also seriously affected. South Korea is by far the worst among advanced countries. All countries on the top 20 list, except only Albania, are indeed in, or very near, Asia and North Africa.

Artikel tersebut adalah warning bagi pemerintah Indonesia karena kita menduduki posisi kedua sebagai negara dengan peneliti yang "menggunakan" jasa predatory journal. Apakah perlu dikaji ulang lagi dan lagi mengenai persyaratan kenaikan pangkat?

Menentukan kriteria seharusnya juga melibatkan dosen yg aktif dlm penulisan, tdk ditentukan oleh sekelompok orang yg kita tdk tau bgm pengetahuannya ttg kejurnalan. Mereka belum tentu lebih faham dr PD penulis. Ini untuk mencegah aturan yg baru seumur jagung sudah dicabut tanam benih baru yg varietas ya juga blm tentu unggul

Imho kewajiban terkait publikasi utk pangkat sudah baik. Sudah semestinya dosen memiliki riwayat publikasi.
Yg perlu kita perbaiki dan refleksi ke diri masing2 dosen, utk lebih sadar diri ttg kelayakan diri disebut sbg lecturer, shg tidak ugal-ugalan dlm mengejar kenaikan pangkat.

Tidak memakai cara instant.
Kalau kebijakan yg baik diubah krn ketidak mampuan menyikapi dan menjalankan aturan, nanti jatuhnya sama spt Frontier dan artikel jurnal scientometrics td. 

Minggu, 04 Desember 2022

Webinar RJI Sultra Sesi #5 : Indeksasi Web of Science


8 SCOPUS INDEXED JOURNALS focus & scope: Language, Linguistics, Literature, Culture & Education

8 SCOPUS INDEXED JOURNALS focus & scope:  Language, Linguistics, Literature, Culture &  Education

1. Turkish Online Journal of Distance Education (TOJDE) https://dergipark.org.tr/en/pub/tojde Q2  Free APC

2. CLCWeb - Comparative Literature and Culture: https://docs.lib.purdue.edu/clcweb/ 

Q3 Free APC

3. International Journal of Evaluation and Research in Education (IJERE) https://ijere.iaescore.com/index.php/IJERE/index 

 Q3 Article Publication: 295.00 (USD)

4. Jurnal Cakrawala Pendidikan https://journal.uny.ac.id/index.php/cp  

Q3 Article Processing Charges: 2500000.00 (IDR)The new APC with effect from February 2023 will be 4000000,00 (IDR) (Four Million Indonesian Rupiah)

5. International Journal of Language Education https://ojs.unm.ac.id/ijole 

Q1  the publication fee $235.

6. PERTANIKA JOURNAL OF SOCIAL SCIENCES & HUMANITIES  http://www.pertanika.upm.edu.my/pjssh  

Q3 250 USD

7. Indonesian Journal of Applied Linguistics https://ejournal.upi.edu/index.php/IJAL/index 

Q2 (APCs) of USD 350

8. Wacana, Journal of the Humanities of Indonesia http://wacana.ui.ac.id/index.php/wjhi/index