Minggu, 05 Mei 2024

International Journal of Linguistics, Culture, and Communication (JOLCC)

The peer-reviewed International Journal of Linguistics, Culture, and Communication (JOLCC) indexed in ICI Copernicus IndexDimensions, & CrossrefE-ISSN: 2988-1641 publishes high-quality original research focusing on publishing articles that contribute to the ongoing discussion in all areas of the study of Linguistics, Culture, and Communication. Authors may send the manuscript of these topics in English or Bahasa Indonesia.  The topics covered in the journal pay particular attention, but are not limited to:

  • Language as a foundation for culture: Language forms the basis for creating and maintaining human cultures, and language differences often reflect important cultural distinctions.
  • Language and communication: Language is used for communication, and understanding language use can help us better understand ourselves and why we behave the way we do. 
  • Language and culture: Language is a part of culture, and culture is often transmitted through language. 
  • Cultural linguistics: This relatively new field examines the interrelationship between language, culture, and conceptualizations, with implications for second language learning and intercultural communication.
  • Language and social learning: Language is learned; to a lesser extent, it is taught, and there is legitimate debate over the extent of this innateness.
  • Language and cultural change: Language is dominant in transmitting culture, and cultural change is often related to language.
  • Language teaching: Language teaching at school presupposes and relies on the prior knowledge of a first language acquired before school age, and it is mainly directed at reading, writing, literature, formal grammar, and alleged standards of correctness.

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