The experience of managing indexed journals on the ESCI Web of Science is quite enjoyable for me.
On the one hand, some people think that ESCI WoS is just indexing for the middle class like DOAJ, EBSCO, ACI, and some even say that ESCI WoS is half-hearted indexing that has not yet entered the core collections of the Web of Science. Core collections in this context are web of Science products already indexed in high class, namely SSCI, SCIE, and AHCI.
On the other hand, ESCI belongs to the core collection but does not have an Impact Factor, and at least there is a positive point if a journal has been indexed on the ESCI Web of Science:
The ESCI Web of Science is another high-way for journal internationalization. Journal managers still don't dare to register their journals with Scopus/maybe they have registered but are subject to an embargo. The internationalization of journals means that there will be a lot of interest from Foreign authors such as Turkey, Russia, Pakistan, Iran, Thailand, Malaysia who are interested and highly regard any product from WoS, even if it is just ESCI WoS.
Dr. Mila Cahue, Head of Editorial Outreach WoS, said that if a journal is in ESCI, this is the initial stage of an indexed journal in the Web of Science, the world's most trusted global citation database and the most powerful research database, delivering your library with best-in-class publication and citation data.
One unique fact is that at the Web of Science Selection Criteria & Evaluation Process Workshop in Surabaya, August 2019, Prof. Komang G. Wiryawan from the Tropical Animal Science Journal, IPB, Bogor revealed that in the past three years, more than 80 Indonesian journals had been published. They all already had been indexed in ESCI WOS, but no journal has leveled up to SSCI, SCIE, and AHCI, whereas some of them have already been indexed in Scopus. Dr. Mila Cahue says, as WoS representative, "It is like the New York Marathon. Thousand of people are joining the marathon, but only a few people win the game". In essence, WOS places great emphasis on the quality of its journals and articles.
here is the PPT slide:
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