Kamis, 17 November 2022

Don't Judge the quality of a journal by its web appearance

 Terkait dengan pengelolaan jurnal Best practice-nya bukan terletak pada penampilan OJS system nya yang indah dan glowing tapi pada konten atau mutu artikelnya. saya mau kasih contoh 2 jurnal yang keren:

1. 3l Journal yang menggunakan OJS 2: https://ejournal.ukm.my/3l


2. interiority nya UI yang menggunakan OJS 3: 


dari tampilan web sangat sederhana jauh dari kata "glowing" tapi isinya bagus dan keduanya Q1 di  www.scopus.com dan  www.scimagojr.com

sudah gitu aja ya. Semoga kita semua terinspirasi untuk meningkatkan kualitas artikel di jurnal kita masing-masing.

Selasa, 15 November 2022


 Since May 2022, this journal has charged the following author fees.

 Article Publishing Charges (APCs):  400.000,- (IDR) (for Indonesian authors) & $ 40 (for Foreign authors).

The fee for publication of an original paper in this journal is 400.000,- (IDR) (for Indonesian authors) & $ 40 (for Foreign authors). If the paper is accepted for publication, you will be asked to fill out and send a Statement of originality along with your digital signature, and you will be asked to pay the fee.

Minggu, 13 November 2022

REGISTER JOURNAL is indexed in the list of recommended web journals by Pakistan's HEC


HEC or Higher Education Commission aka Pakistan's Ristekdikti has included the REGISTER JOURNAL, UIN Salatiga, as a recommended journal for international publications.

REGISTER JOURNAL inclusion data at HJRS or HEC Journal Recognition System can be traced at the following URL link:


The HEC Journal Recognition System is a collection of research journals categorized into three distinct categories – W, X, and Y – in their respective fields of knowledge based on a number of benchmarked and internationally recognized parameters that measure journal quality. The relative position and category of each journal is calculated by a proprietary algorithm designed with the aim of promoting quality research across multiple disciplines.

Sabtu, 12 November 2022