Jumat, 22 Maret 2024

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contoh wording Pemohonan ISSN Elektronik ke ISSN BRIN

contoh permohonan ISSN tapi sebelumnya bikin akun dulu ya di sini https://manajemen-issn.brin.go.id/register

Jl. Raya Seluruh Alam- Black Panther Wanganda, Sukoharjo-Surakarta  Phone 911

Nomor: Ref-xx/xx/xx/xx  day-month-20xx

Perihal: Pemohonan ISSN Elektronik

Yth. Kepala PLT Direktorat Repositori, Multimedia dan Penerbitan Ilmiah

Badan Riset dan Inovasi Nasional (BRIN)


Dengan hormat, kami yang bertandatangan di bawah ini:

Nama Pengelola/Penerbit : CV. Rustam

Alamat Pengelola/Penerbit : CV. Rustam, 
Jl. Raya Seluruh Alam- Black Panther Wanganda, Sukoharjo-Surakarta  Phone 911

Bermaksud mengajukan ISSN untuk:

Nama terbitan berkala : Journal of Linguistics, Culture and Communication

Bulan dan tahun pertama kali terbit : Juni 2023

Frekuensi terbitan (kali/tahun) : Dua (2) Kali/tahun

Bahasa untuk artikel yang diterbitkan : Bahasa Inggris & Bahasa Indonesia

Media terbitan untuk ISSN yang diajukan : Elektronik.

Bersama ini kami informasikan bahwa kami telah mengunggah (upload) dokumen pendukung yang diminta, yaitu:

1. Surat Permohonan Perusahaan penerbitan

2. Sampul Depan

3. Dewan Redaksi

4. Daftar Isi

Demikian permohonan kami. Atas perhatian dan kerjasamanya, kami ucapkan terima kasih.

Pedoman_Akreditasi_Jurnal & Panduan_Editor_Jurnal_Ilmiah 2021


Pedoman_Akreditasi_Jurnal.pdf (storage.googleapis.com)


Policy Brief (storage.googleapis.com)

Dasar Hukum Pelaksanaan  Akreditasi Jurnal:

- Peraturan Menteri Riset,  Teknologi, dan Pendidikan  Tinggi, Republik Indonesia,  Nomor 9 Tahun 2018, tentang Akreditasi Jurnal Ilmiah

- Keputusan Dirjen Pendidikan Tinggi, Kementerian  Pendidikan, Kebudayaan,  Riset, dan Teknologi Nomor  134/E/KPT/2021 tentang  Pedoman Akreditasi Jurnal  Ilmiah

Journal of Language and Education (JLE) JLE Q2 free APC lagi CALL For PAPERS

Special Issue Text Analysis and Synthesis: The Modern Paradigm of Artificial Intelligence


Call for Papers

Special Issue

Text Analysis and Synthesis: The Modern Paradigm of Artificial Intelligence

 The Journal of Language and Education invites researchers, scholars, and practitioners to contribute to a special issue focused on the cutting-edge intersections of artificial intelligence with text analysis and synthesis. This thematic issue aims to showcase innovative research and developments in the field, offering insights into how AI technologies are transforming the ways we analyze, generate, and interact with text.

 Topics of Interest Include, but are Not Limited to:

  • Text profiling and genre parametrisation: recognizing text types and genres using discriminant analysis
  • Quantification of sociocultural influences on language change: identifying correlations between sociocultural and linguistic changes
  • Computational theories and generative models of language change: computer models and methods for identifying language changes in diachronic corpora
  • Intelligent Text Analysis: Techniques and applications of AI in understanding, interpreting, and analyzing textual data.
  • Text Generation and Speech Synthesis: Advances in AI-driven text generation, including natural language generation, and the latest in speech synthesis technologies.
  • Machine Translation: Innovations and challenges in using AI for translating text across languages with accuracy and context sensitivity.
  • Automated Summarization and Text Simplification/Adaptation: AI approaches to summarizing content, as well as adapting and simplifying text for various purposes and audiences.
  • Sentiment Analysis and Opinion Mining: Exploration of AI methodologies for identifying, extracting, and quantifying subjective information and sentiments in text data.
  • Named Entity Recognition (NER) in Texts: Investigating AI techniques for identifying and classifying key elements in text into predefined categories such as the names of persons, organizations, locations, expressions of times, quantities, monetary values, percentages, etc.
  • Conversational Agents and Chatbots: Designing AI-powered conversational agents for various applications, including customer service, tutoring, and personal assistance, focusing on natural language understanding and generation capabilities.
  • Deep Learning Approaches for Text Classification: Using deep neural networks to automatically categorize text documents into one or more predefined categories based on their content.
  • Natural Language Generation (NLG) for Creative Writing: Exploring the use of AI in generating creative content such as poetry, stories, and narrative texts.
  • AI in Language Learning and Teaching: Utilizing AI tools for personalized language learning experiences, including adaptive learning systems, language tutoring chatbots, and automated language skill assessment.
  • Ethical Considerations and Bias in AI-powered Text Analysis: Addressing ethical issues, bias, and fairness in text analysis and generation algorithms, including strategies for mitigating bias in AI models.


Submission Guidelines

Submissions may address theoretical perspectives, empirical research, case studies, or comprehensive reviews. Papers that demonstrate interdisciplinary approaches and practical applications of AI in text analysis and synthesis are especially welcome.

Manuscripts should adhere to the journal's submission guidelines, available on our website.

Please indicate in your cover letter that your submission is intended for the "Text Analysis and Synthesis: The Modern Paradigm of Artificial Intelligence" special issue.


Special Issue Editors:

Valeriy Solovyev and Marina Solnyshkina, leading experts in the announced topics, will serve as the editors of this special issue.


Submission Deadline:

August 15, 2024

For further inquiries, submission guidelines, and to submit your manuscript, please visit the Journal of Language and Education's website.

We look forward to your contributions to this exciting field of study and to advancing our understanding of artificial intelligence's role in language and education.


Rabu, 20 Maret 2024

Pentingnya baca dengan teliti hasil prompts AI

  Pentingnya baca dengan teliti hasil prompts AI. Sekelas jurnal elsevier aja kebobolan.

kalo ini di jurnal milik orang Indonesia. jangan ditiru ya, Guys!

Selasa, 19 Maret 2024

The journal World of Media. Journal of Russian Media and Journalism Studies

 The editors of World of Media are now inviting submissions.

Submitted papers should be no longer than 5 000 words, accompanied by a short abstract, up to 200 words, and contain 5-7 key words. The title page should include the title of the paper, the name of the author(s), full title and the affiliation of the author(s) (full name of the institution and department, city, country, e-mail address). Abstract, key words, title and information about the author should be written in English. The text of the article should be written in good English.
List of references should include only publications cited in the article. Citations in the text should be accompanied by round brackets containing last name(s) of the author(s), year of publication and page(s). Example: (Johnes, 2008: 115).
The manuscript should be typed in 1,5-spacing on one side of the paper only, using Times New Roman 14 font. Margins are 2 cm on all sides. Tables and figures (illustrations) should be embedded into the text.
The paper should contain the following parts: abstract (230+ words), keywords (5-7 words), main text (4000-5000 words) and references.
Abstract. The abstract should describe briefly the purpose of the research, the principal results and major conclusions. An abstract is often presented separately from the article, so it must be able to stand alone.
Key words (5-7 words).
Introduction. It should include goals of the research, main research questions, hypothesis, literature review and background.
Methods. This part should include research design and procedure, description of the sample and the methods used.
Results. This section should present the original data obtained during your research.
Conclusion. This part should show how the data received refers to your hypothesis, how it can be interpreted, what predictions can be made based upon your research and how your research contributes to the theoretical field of journalism and mass communication studies in general, or to any particular aspect of it.
Please note: The World of Media journal uses the Harvard references style. Here you can find the bibliography examples. Please read this document carefully. If you have any questions please contact editors (worldofmedia@mail.ru.
After the article is accepted for publication, the author receives an editor’s confirmation, and then page proofs. The author reads page proofs to correct errors and answer the editor’s questions.
The publication is free of charge.
All authors should submit their papers electronically. The papers (.doc) should be sent to the e-mail address worldofmedia@mail.ru

Manuscript proceeding
Since 2018, the journal appears 4 times a year, so we accept papers throughout the whole year. 
When the manuscript is submitted, the proceeding starts, and the notification is sent to the author. World of Media supports a strict policy of publishing only peer-reviewed articles. All submitted articles are first evaluated by the executive editor to ensure the paper is original, written within the aims and scope of the journal, has clear academic structure and is written in good English language (all accepted papers will have to be later proofread by a native speaker after formal acceptance). Manuscripts that meet the minimum criteria are normally passed on to two expert referees for reviewing. Reviewers are selected among editorial board members and external reviewers based on their professional knowledge and expertise in the topic. The review period usually takes 1-2 months. Reviews are sent to authors by email. Please, be prepared to perform the revision of the article according to reviewer’s comments. Revised article is sent for the second review. When the article is accepted the notification is sent to the author. The final decision regarding the publication is made by the editor-in-chief. After the volume is published, all authors receive the link to the electronic version of the journal.

Please note: all manuscripts submitted by Russian researchers must be accompanied by a conclusion of the expert commission or the head expert, confirming that the prepared paper and other materials intended for publication do not contain information constituting a state secret, are not classified as a secret, and can be published publicly.

World of Media journal operates under the Creative Commons Licence CC-BY-NC-ND. Please note that copyright of the content of all articles remains with the designated author of the article. Copyright of the selection and editorial matter remains with the World of Media journal represented in this case by the editor-in-chief, Anna Gladkova  and cannot be used in other publications.

World of Media requires that submitted manuscripts are solely the author’s own work and not the work of others, unless explicit permission has been granted. This includes text, figures and tables. All persons designated as authors should qualify for authorship. Each author should have participated sufficiently in the work to take public responsibility for it. It is the corresponding authors’ responsibility to seek permission from each author to publish the materials and to get consensus on the authorship before submission to the journal.

Misleading publication
The articles must be authentic and should not contain manipulated data or fraudulent information. This also applies to direct translation between different languages. Articles should describe results as accurately as possible, and avoid using statements of opinions as facts. The manuscript should present the results in a direct way and avoid misleading the reader or causing misunderstandings. It is important to discuss the significance of the results; at the same time, it is crucial not to over-interpret the results. Excessive or biased interpretation will not contribute to scientific progress and will mislead readers.

Plagiarism & Self-plagiarism 
Plagiarism is a significant violation of truthfulness and involves stealing intellectual property or taking credit for other individuals' work. The responsibility for plagiarism lies ultimately with the writer.
World of Media uses Antiplagiat software to detect instances of overlapping and similar text in submitted manuscripts. 

Recommendations for avoiding plagiarism:
  • Use quotation marks around words taken verbatim from a source
  • Change no part of quotation within the context of the sentence
  • Use single marks for a quotation within a quotation
  • Use ellipses (a space and three periods) for a part of the quotation omitted.
  • Use brackets around added words
  • Limit the use of direct quotes
  • Attempt to paraphrase the information, or summarize the information derived from a variety of sources using own words

Proofreading by a native speaker
The editors inform the authors that the final version of the manuscript (as approved by the editorial board after implementation of all the necessary amendments in response to reviewers’ comments) is to be proofread by a native English speaker. An article may be proofread using either American or British English, but uniformity of the style is mandatory. It is the author's responsibility to arrange proofreading once the paper is accepted for publication, and the confirmation is sent to the author.

Please, note: all authors submitting manuscripts to the World of Media journal affirm that the manuscript contents are original, and the article is not considered by another title at the time of submission. All authors, editors and reviewers agree to follow the journal’s Publication Ethics and Publication Malpractice Statement
By submitting their manuscripts, authors also agree with the journal's open access policy and allow the journal to include accepted manuscripts (both metadata and full text) into Russian and international scientific databases and information systems accompanied by full author(s)' details (name, institution, contact information, etc.) directly after publication and for an indefinite period afterwards.

Senin, 18 Maret 2024

Cara bikin jurnal berbasis OJS dan apa yang harus dikerjakan team manajemen jurnal

 1. Pertama beli domain misal www.jolcc.org

sewa hosting  misalnya di www.rumahweb.com.  beli domain dan sewa hosting itu satu paket. misal ambil yang 800 ribu an.

2. kalo sudah dapat akun masuklah ke control panel

lihat bagian bawah ada tulisan SOFTACULOUS. ini aplikasi paling simple tinggal klik dan ekstrak file jadi yang kita inginkan.
jika sudah ketemu SOFTACULOUS klik aja dan cari CMS/Content management system bernama OJS/Open journal System
tinggal disetting ya.

 jika nggak berhasil silakan masuk ke web yang menyediakan OJS 3 gratis di https://pkp.sfu.ca/software/ojs/download/
silakan unduh dan cari di cPanel icon FILE MANAGER
Klik file manager dan upload file OJS 3 di folder PUBLIC HTML dan diekstrak di web journalnya.

kalo punya baby journal wajib mengerjakan  
1. call for paper dan promosi ratusan kali di sosial media.  

2. jika sudah ada yang submit call for editor dan reviewer  

3. jika sudah ada catatan editor dan reviewer call for author untuk revisi dan  itu proses panjang berbulan-bulan.  

4. untuk  jurnal baru biasanya gratis, author nggak mau bayar jika jurnal belum terindeks sinta.   bisa juga berbayar murah misal 250 ribu per accepted paper.

5.  selama 3 tahun (2 tahun terbit + 1 tahun masa penilaian akreditasi jurnal)  jurnal bisa gratis/berbayar murah sampai label sinta didapatkan siapkan sekitar 4 jutaan total selama 3 tahun untuk sewa domain dan hosting, sewa doi, sewa turnitin, sewa graphic designer dst.