Jumat, 22 Maret 2024

Journal of Language and Education (JLE) JLE Q2 free APC lagi CALL For PAPERS

Special Issue Text Analysis and Synthesis: The Modern Paradigm of Artificial Intelligence


Call for Papers

Special Issue

Text Analysis and Synthesis: The Modern Paradigm of Artificial Intelligence

 The Journal of Language and Education invites researchers, scholars, and practitioners to contribute to a special issue focused on the cutting-edge intersections of artificial intelligence with text analysis and synthesis. This thematic issue aims to showcase innovative research and developments in the field, offering insights into how AI technologies are transforming the ways we analyze, generate, and interact with text.

 Topics of Interest Include, but are Not Limited to:

  • Text profiling and genre parametrisation: recognizing text types and genres using discriminant analysis
  • Quantification of sociocultural influences on language change: identifying correlations between sociocultural and linguistic changes
  • Computational theories and generative models of language change: computer models and methods for identifying language changes in diachronic corpora
  • Intelligent Text Analysis: Techniques and applications of AI in understanding, interpreting, and analyzing textual data.
  • Text Generation and Speech Synthesis: Advances in AI-driven text generation, including natural language generation, and the latest in speech synthesis technologies.
  • Machine Translation: Innovations and challenges in using AI for translating text across languages with accuracy and context sensitivity.
  • Automated Summarization and Text Simplification/Adaptation: AI approaches to summarizing content, as well as adapting and simplifying text for various purposes and audiences.
  • Sentiment Analysis and Opinion Mining: Exploration of AI methodologies for identifying, extracting, and quantifying subjective information and sentiments in text data.
  • Named Entity Recognition (NER) in Texts: Investigating AI techniques for identifying and classifying key elements in text into predefined categories such as the names of persons, organizations, locations, expressions of times, quantities, monetary values, percentages, etc.
  • Conversational Agents and Chatbots: Designing AI-powered conversational agents for various applications, including customer service, tutoring, and personal assistance, focusing on natural language understanding and generation capabilities.
  • Deep Learning Approaches for Text Classification: Using deep neural networks to automatically categorize text documents into one or more predefined categories based on their content.
  • Natural Language Generation (NLG) for Creative Writing: Exploring the use of AI in generating creative content such as poetry, stories, and narrative texts.
  • AI in Language Learning and Teaching: Utilizing AI tools for personalized language learning experiences, including adaptive learning systems, language tutoring chatbots, and automated language skill assessment.
  • Ethical Considerations and Bias in AI-powered Text Analysis: Addressing ethical issues, bias, and fairness in text analysis and generation algorithms, including strategies for mitigating bias in AI models.


Submission Guidelines

Submissions may address theoretical perspectives, empirical research, case studies, or comprehensive reviews. Papers that demonstrate interdisciplinary approaches and practical applications of AI in text analysis and synthesis are especially welcome.

Manuscripts should adhere to the journal's submission guidelines, available on our website.

Please indicate in your cover letter that your submission is intended for the "Text Analysis and Synthesis: The Modern Paradigm of Artificial Intelligence" special issue.


Special Issue Editors:

Valeriy Solovyev and Marina Solnyshkina, leading experts in the announced topics, will serve as the editors of this special issue.


Submission Deadline:

August 15, 2024

For further inquiries, submission guidelines, and to submit your manuscript, please visit the Journal of Language and Education's website.

We look forward to your contributions to this exciting field of study and to advancing our understanding of artificial intelligence's role in language and education.


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