Senin, 13 Februari 2023


JURNAL PENELITIAN is a peer-reviewed journal published by LP2M IAIN Pekalongan with print-ISSN: 1829-9903 and online-ISSN: 2541-6944 Jurnal Penelitian is a religious studies based on locality containing research results from various aspects of discipline, religion, social, education, law, economy, politics, environment, language, art and culture.

Focus: JHI: Journal of Islamic Law emphasizes the study Contemporary Islamic Law practices in Indonesia, South East Asian, and Global Perspective by multidisciplinary approach
Scope: This Journal specializes in studying the theory and practice of various topics are islamic family law, islamic criminal law, islamic constitutional law, islamic private law, sharia economic law, human rights law, customary law, environmental law, in the framework of Indonesian legal studies and global context. intended to express original researches and current issues. This journal welcomes the contributions of scholars from related fields warmly that consider the following general topics;

Muwazah is Islamic journal of gender studies. The focus of this journal is gender studies in various perspectives in the form of research articles and literature reviews.
The scope of this journal specializes in gender in a variety of disciplines and perspective, include:
Islamic gender studies, Religion and Gender, Culture and Gender, Politics and Gender
Education and Gender, Psychology and Gender, Sexual Harassment, Parenting, Race, Gender, and Minority Class, Literature/ Language and Gender, Feminist Identity

HIKMATUNA Journal (ISSN Print: 2460-531X; Online: 2503-3042) is a peer-reviewed, open-access, and published biannually (June and December) by the Postgraduate Program, State Institute for Islamic Studies (IAIN) of Pekalongan, Indonesia.
This Journal focuses on Islamic Studies with integrative approach through social sciences and humanities. The social sciences field covers the studies of Psychology, Economics, Politics, Education, Law, and History. Meanwhile, the humanities field covers the studies of Qur'an, Hadith, Islamic Astronomy Observatory, Monotheism, Islamic Law, and Sufism. This journal aims to reveal and solve the problems faced by Asian people, especially Indonesia, from the social sciences and humanities perspectives. Therefore, those problems can be solved comprehensively.

International Journal of Islamic Business and Economics (IJIBEC) is a peer-reviewed economic journal serving as a forum for Islamic Business Economics Scholars concerning to area of Islamic Accounting, Banking, Economics, Entrepreneurship, Finance, Human Resources Management, and Management. This open accessed Journal publishes original research and review papers twice a year (on June and December).
This journal encompasses original research articles including:
1. Islamic Banking and Financial Institution, 2. Islamic Behavioral Economics
3. Islamic Development Economics, 4. Islamic Environmental Economics
5. Islamic International Economics, 6. Islamic Accounting, 7. Islamic Bussiness and Entrepreneurship, 8. Islamic Human Resources Management
9. Islamic Monetary Economics, 10. Islamic Public Finance, 11. Islamic Political Economy, 12. Islamic Bussiness Management, 13. Islamic Urban and Rural Economics

Edukasia Islamika: Jurnal Pendidikan Islam publishes articles on the realm of Islamic education, covering both literary and fieldwork studies. This journal warmly welcomes contributions from scholars of related disciplines.
Edukasia Islamika: Jurnal Pendidikan Islam highlights aspects of Islamic education studies, with special reference to:
Character Education, Islamic Education Policy
Philosophy of Islamic Education, Islamic Education Management, Islamic Education Curriculum, Innovations in Islamic Education
Islamic Education Leadership, Multicultural Islamic Education, Islamic Education for Social Transformation, Madrasa Education, Pesantren Education

Alsinatuna is a journal discussing actual and contemporary issues which relate to Arabic Linguistics and Education. The editors receive articles in the form of conceptual discourse as well as research results related to Arabic language and its learning.

This journal encompasses original research articles, review articles, and short communications, including: Arabic Teaching Methods, Arabic Teaching Media, Curriculum Development of Arabic Teaching, Arabic Teaching Policies, Arabic Syntax, Alquran and Arabic Language, Arabic Literature and Balaghah, Arabic Semantics, Arabic Language Acquisitions, History of Arabic Language, Arabic Teaching Evaluation

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