Minggu, 31 Juli 2022

Journal of Positive School Psychology PREDATORY apa bukan ya?

 Number of articles published in the Journal of Positive School Psychology (as of May 19, 2022)

2020 (2): 4 articles (indexed in Scopus
2021 (1): 5 articles (indexed in Scopus)
2021 (2): 6 articles (Indexed in Scopus)
2022 (1): 9 articles (NOT indexed in Scopus)
2022 (2): 637 articles (NOT indexed in Scopus)
2022 (3): 878 articles (NOT indexed in Scopus)
2022 (4): 825 articles (NOT indexed in Scopus)

Is this a predatory journal that takes people money without proper review?

Dear John,
Thank you for contacting us. As you perfectly said, our data come from Scopus database which sends us an updated of their data every year. SCImago doesn't include or exclude journals, as the selection is made by Scopus itself. SCImago Team is constantly working hard to provide high quality scientometric indicators in an Open Access tool and several information about the journals, including the journals website information. Unfortunately, this task becomes more and more complex as the proliferation of predatory journals and/or fraudulent websites has been constant for a few years.
SCImago always shows the metadata sent by Scopus and the most reliable information related to the website by checking several information using Beall’s list, Cabells and others.
If our website is showing “Information not localized” in the sections referred to the journal’s website, it means that SCImago could not verify that information with absolute reliability; that the journal is only available in Print version; or that the website remains simply unfound.
Besides, remember that the main purpose of SCImago is to help decision-making through scientometric indicators.
For further information about predatory journals or publishers, you can check the links below or contact Scopus Support team, which will always inform you about the current situation of a particular journal in its database.

Best Regards, SCImago Team

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