Anton Widyanto: Aceh needs Jihadis Jurnal

 [S2 PAI Study Program] Scientific publications and improving the quality of scientific journals, especially at the tertiary level in Aceh, are still one of significant challenges. This can be seen from the still minimum quantity of accredited journals at universities in Aceh, both those under the Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education and the Ministry of Religion of the Republic of Indonesia. This was confirmed by the Head of the Master of Islamic Education Study Program, Dr. Anton Widyanto as a speaker at the Scientific Publication and E-journal Governance Workshop at the Ummul Ayman Islamic College (STIs), Pidie Jaya, on Wednesday (19/9/2018). This event was attended by dozens of lecturers, both in their capacity as journal managers and writers.

"In general, the management of scientific journals faces problems, especially those related to human resources. Many people prefer to write rather than manage journals because managing journals is more tiring than writing articles, especially when financial support from institutions is limited", said Anton. He is also the Coordinator Volunteer for the Indonesian Journal (RJI) for the Aceh Region.

Anton further emphasized that journal editors must have sincerity in managing scientific journals. Without sincerity, it will be challenging to improve the quality of journals that are managed.

"In the past, journal managers were usually called original (orang Gila Jurnal) or journal madmen. But in the Ministry of Religion, this term was later replaced with "Jihadist Journal" because it requires great effort, struggle, and commitment so that the quality will increase," added the Chief Editor of the Islamic Journal Postgraduate future of UIN Ar-Raniry.

In this training activity, Irman Siswanto from the Educational Journal of UIN Ar-Raniry and Illa Rahmatin from the Dayah Journal of the Postgraduate PAI Study Program at UIN Ar-Raniry as training facilitators. In addition to journal management material, the material on indexation and creating a SINTA account for each STIS lecturer Ummul Ayman was also presented. It is hoped that the ranking of this campus in SINTA can also increase.

(Admin S2 PAI)


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